Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday night's Sherman show!

Another great Sunday night here at Galliott Studios! Sherman Downey entertained us and a jam packed studio with a solo set. Poor lad had a bit of a croaky throat, but powered through and delivered a great show. Quite the trooper it seems!

Here's a photo!

Liv got all embarrassed when Sherman thought her posters were made by a child. But he took one for his band room and signed one for our wall of fame. Looking good so far!


Hopfully we'll be adding some more to the wall pretty soon, but this week is the writers festival, so no music from us. We'll be having lots of art, music and wonderful writing going on in town though, so we'll keep you posted!

Thanks to everyone who came out to party with us last night. And a big thank you hug to Sherman himself for putting on such a great show even when he was feeling under the weather.

Get well soon Sherman!

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